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Jews Stand for Reproductive Rights

06/24/2022 04:30:09 PM


Rabbi Julie H. Danan

As many of us learned during our recent Shabbat program with Rabbi David Teutsch, Jewish law and tradition has been surprisingly flexible on matters of contraception and reproductive rights. Judaism is pro-life in that we value each person as the image of the divine. When it comes to such reproductive rights, Jewish law always prioritizes the safety, well-being, and dignity of a woman in her own body. This is not a matter of being...Read more...

PRAYERS And Actions 

06/02/2022 09:30:06 PM


Rabbi Julie H. Danan

 With the many problems our nation faces, including the scourge of gun violence, "You are in our thoughts and prayers," has become a reflexive phrase. The term has become an empty slogan for many, who see these alleged prayers as just an excuse for inaction, or at best a passive wish that God will solve problems that we don’t want to address. But the Jewish traditions that I know always link prayer to...Read more...

Message from Our Rabbi 

05/16/2022 05:44:54 PM


Rabbi Danan

Dear Seaside Members and Friends,

Our grief and prayers are shared with the victims and their families of the recent hate crime shooting in Buffalo, New York. Ten precious human beings were killed and three others wounded, and eleven of the victims were Black. Each person is a world entire, and was mercilessly killed as each went about the innocent business of buying groceries. Just a day later, there was another mass shooting at...Read more...

Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784