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Book Group

The Book Group, which was started in 2017 by Marsha Davis, meets bi-monthly year-round. Special events are frequently added throughout the year as new book-related opportunities come to our attention.  Book selections for the present year with the dates and times of their discussions can be found in the Book Group Schedule.  Announcements also appear in the weekly eBlasts to Seaside members.

All members of Seaside are welcome to attend Book Group discussions and become regular members of the Group. Members receive emails of upcoming events of interest and participate in the annual selection of the books that we will read and discuss. To join the Book Group list, contact Enid L. Zafran, the Book Group Leader at (phone: 302/604-0880).

One person is designated as the facilitator for each session and leads the group by asking questions based on the book.  Occasionally we are able to have an author attend our session and give us more insight into the book’s meaning and the writing process.  While we respect and value diverse viewpoints, we ask that comments do not involve current political controversies. While it is helpful to have read the book prior to the meeting, it is not required for attendance. 

The Book Group often has a circulating copy of the books that have been selected for the year.  To have your name added to the list to borrow this copy, write to Enid at the above address.

Special events in the past have involved collaboration with local organizations such as the Lewes Public Library, the History Book Festival, Browseabout Books, and Edible Delmarva.  We are always looking for ways to share Jewish-related book topics with our community at the shore!

All questions about the Book Group should be directed to Enid L. Zafran at





Sun, January 19 2025 19 Tevet 5785