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Yom Kippur Morning Remarks (Part of morning sermon), from Allan Slan

10/03/2023 03:53:44 PM


Allan Slan

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Pastor Martin Niemöller


According to ADL 2022 statistics:

36% increase in antisemitic incidents from 2021.

The 3,697 incidents throughout US was highest number since tracking began in 1979

Antisemitic harassment increased by 29%

Antisemitic vandalism increased by 51%

Antisemitic assaults increased by 26%

In Delaware in 2022, the number of antisemitic incidents increased nearly fourfold.

Last December, Leslie and I were the victims of an antisemitic act at our home in Rehoboth.

Two years earlier, Chrlotte King, Founder and President of the SDARJ who happens to be a woman of color and her partner Amy Weist, a white woman, were the victims of a racist hate incident at their home in Lewes.

Charlotte wrote a piece to the Cape Gazette, that decried the lack of speaking out by elected and other public facing officials about this systemic rise in hatred.

Shortly thereafter, the three of us, began to meet to think about how to combat this.  We were joined by Peter Schott, Jan Kliger, Neil Trugman and Zita Dresner from our Social Justice Committee and by Dr. Marlene Saunders, Joe Lawson, and Patty Maloney of SDARJ. 

We formed SOAH.  Our goal is simple:  To make no hate here a reality in Delaware.

We have received the endorsement of numerous groups and individuals including our Lt. Governor and the Jewish Community Relations Counsel.

On October 9 from 5-6:30 p.m. we will hold our first meeting of interested individuals at the Lewes Library and via Zoom.  Registration is required for attendance.  The Event Brite reg material can be found in Seaside’s E-Blast.  If you go to the website, it will lead you to our material where you can indicate your interest in joining with us.

We are now and will continue to meet with elected and non-elected public officials, community leaders, businesses, clergy, law enforcement personnel, young and old in an effort to encourage them to speak out early and often about the hatred that has now become normalized in our society.

We cannot legislate against hatred; we can attempt to blunt its rise.  Our voices must be at least an equal and opposite force against theirs.

Silence is tantamount to complacency and complicity.

Rabbi Julie quoted Hillel during Rosh Hashanah; “If I am not for myself, who will be for me”?

We cannot afford to be complacent; we certainly do not wish to be complicit!  Antisemitism, Racism, Anti LGBTQ+, Anti-Latinx, Anti-Native American, Islamophobia and the many others.  Hatred must be our focus and the focus of the good and caring people in our communities.

Please join us on October 9 to learn about our specific action efforts and please work with us on this vital issue.

L’Shana Tova!







Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784