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The 8 Lights of Hanukkah for Seaside Jewish Community

11/29/2023 09:41:03 PM


Rabbi Julie H. Danan


Photo: Seaside Hanukkah Party 2022 with Todd Hacker and Alyssa Simon

My Invocation for the Annual Meeting of Seaside Jewish Community, 2023

This month we will light the lights of Hanukkah. Our ancient sages, Hillel and Shammai argued how to light the menorah to represent the little jug of oil that burned for 8 days. Shammai said to do the logical thing and light 8 lights the first night, decreasing each night to show how the light burned down. Hillel said that we never decrease in matters of holiness. We must start with one and increase the light each night. We went with Hillel, because increasing light is our way.

And so it is that even in a time of darkness, especially in a time of darkness, we counteract with light and with growing the light. As we heard at the Rally for Israel in Washington, DC, we combat antisemitism with robust acts of “semitism”: more mitzvot, (good deeds) more community, more tikkun olam (repairing the world).

In that spirit I offer you for the 8 nights of Hanukkah 8 ways that we have partnered to bring light into the world at Seaside this year. I thank our President Larry Krevor, our dedicated board and officers, chairpersons, and hardworking staff and volunteers for all we have accomplished together in lighting these 8 lights:

1. The Light of Faith: Together with our worship committee and High Holiday team, offering creative and inclusive Shabbat and holiday services such as traditional services, High Holidays and festivals, music, healing and chanting services, Chant and Meditation with Carole Ash, soul strolls in nature, deep dives into the prayers, family services and more.

2. The Light of Learning. Learning is core to our community, for both adults and children. Our Adult Education committee offers special topics and programs from our book club to Tanach, the Rabbi’s Seminar and special speakers. Our nurturing and creative Religious School, run by our great trio of directors, is a place that kids want to be.

3. The Light of Care: We care for one another thanks to our amazing Chesed committee and pastoral care. Cards, visits, meals, Engaging in Ageing group, and more make community members feel loved. As rabbi, I am on track to have about 300 pastoral care interactions this year including counseling, home, and hospital visits and I’m getting support from our pastoral care team but we have so many needs and could do much more.

4. The Light of Life: We accompany our members throught the joys and sorrows of life, from baby naming to b’nei mitzvah to weddings. We are there for each other for funerals and shivahs, and it is my honor to create and lead meaningful life cycle rituals for our members. We have also welcomed new Jews by choice after a program of study.

5. The Light of Service: Our community service committee service projects invite members to have an impact on our community by providing food, funds, clothing and much more to the needy of Sussex County.

6. The Light of Justice: Our social justice committee engages in raising the sparks of Tikkun Olam far beyond our community, highlighting causes like the environment, democracy, reducing gun violence, LGBTQ rights, multifaith activities and more. I thank Rabbi Beth for her leadership in this area and I also get involved, such as helping to create Shabbat services for Pride and for Moms Demand action.

7.The Light of Community: Through our social committee and our new Youth and Family Engagement, Seaside is more than a synagogue. We are also a community center and a place to make friends, share meals, socialize, and experience fun and Jewish culture. Membership, fundraising, House, Security, and communication committees support our growing and thriving community, while the Kitchen Kabinet brings us together to socialize over food. Relational Judaism is our motto and our relational team is focusing on how to make everyone feel included and connected.

8. The Light of Peoplehood: Now more than ever, being part of Seaside means being connected to the Jewish people, whether in Israel or anywhere in the world. When the Jewish people is threatened, being part of a community, showing up and representing Judaism as a positive force in the broader community are more important than ever. Since October the 7th, we have communicated with our members about the crisis, prayed, taken part in rallies and vigils, raised money for the Israel Emergency fund and other needs, and welcomed people in Israel to special zoom talks with our members. Now more than ever, we must not hide our light, but we must show up for one another and for Am Yisrael, the people of Israel.

Think of these lights are you light your menorah this month, and decide where you want to dedicate your efforts in the coming year, for Hanukkah means “dedication.”

May all of these light rise up to the heavenly throne and bring us down the light of Shalom, of peace, speedily for us, for all Israel, for all the innocent people who are suffering now, and for all who dwell on earth. 

-Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan


Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784