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Havdalah Service - The 15th Annual Alfred Gross Memorial Scholars Lecture

Saturday, June 8, 2024 2 Sivan 5784

7:30 PM - 9:00 PMIn Person

Havdalah Service - The 15th Annual Alfred Gross Memorial Scholars Lecture
Led by Rabbi Julie Danan

The evening will include a presentation by Siegel entitled, “What Can Bruce Springsteen, Steven Spielberg, David Copperfield, Ben & Jerry, and The Late Paul Newman and Liz Taylor Teach Us About Mitzvot That We Don’t Know? — How To Be a Mitzvah Hero.” Reception to Follow.

Jewish author, lecturer and poet Danny Siegel will be the keynote speaker of this three-day program. A recipient of the prestigious 1993 Covenant Award for Exceptional Jewish Educators, Siegel has spoken to more than 400 North American Jewish communities about tzedakah and Jewish values. He has published 28 books and has produced an anthology of 500 selections of Talmudic quotes about living the Jewish life well. It is entitled, “Where Heaven and Earth Touch.”

This annual weekend, begun in 2008, honors Alfred Gross, one of Seaside’s founding members who believed in the importance of Jewish education. Please visit our website to learn more about Mr. Gross and the speakers over the past years.

All events are underwritten and sponsored by the Alfred Gross Memorial Fund, and our thanks to wife Suzanne Gross and the Gross family for their continued support.

If you would like to attend in person, please use the Registration Form below. Use the "+" to add EACH NAME of EACH ATTENDEE in your group INCLUDING YOURSELF under Attendee Registration. You will receive an email receipt upon registration.


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Mon, February 10 2025 12 Shevat 5785