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Haftarah Class

Monday, December 12, 2022 18 Kislev 5783

4:00 PM - 5:00 PMVia Zoom

HAFTARAH FOR SH’MINI - 2 Samuel 6 :1-7:17- “ Etz Hayim” p. 643

King David triumphantly enters Jerusalem to put the final seal on his Game of Thrones worthy victory over the House of Saul. But all is not drums and trumpets. What possible familial and political fault lines might be forming at such a moment?

What promises does the Lord make to David and his dynasty? How does this Haftarah relate to the Parshah where Aaron and his sons initiate formal worship in the Tabernacle, but where two of Aaron’s sons are struck down for engaging in some non-conforming worship practice?

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Mon, February 10 2025 12 Shevat 5785